Wanker. Member. Pitched tent. Boner. Dick. Jimmy. Main man. Best friend. The penis.

Now, how about priapism? Erectile dysfunction? Ejaculation dysfunction? Masturbation? Penile pain?

Can we touch on a few of these things for a bit? Because the penis and associated issues, while often at the top of the silly conversation list, seem to miss out on the realistic, educational facts side of the deal. So, let’s discuss.

Every human male is born with a penis, and others who choose to do so obtain a penis during transgender reconstruction. Some are girthy, some are thin. Some are thick and chubby, and others are vein-y and tall. Some are bushy, and some have bare skin. All penises are as different as fingerprints.

With the glans penis and shaft, comes the testicles and pubic hair. Unavoidable, really, unless there are medical conditions or circumstances with the human body, or the penis owner is a shaver. It happens, but in most cases, a penis is a penis, is a penis. The average erect penis is 5.5 inches long, with varying circumferences. Got it? There is no perfect size. No two penises look exactly alike, even in the realm of plastic surgery.

For human men, they are capable of three types of erections. Did you know that?

The three types of erections are called: psychogenic, reflexogenic and nocturnal. Reflexogenic erections occur when physical stimulation happens. This would be from rubbing, accidental touching, masturbation, or foreplay. Psychogenic erections happen with fantasy thoughts and imagination. These are most common when looking at nude magazines, watching porn, or suggestive television shows and situations. Nocturnal erections occur during the night while the human is in REM sleep. The average amount of nighttime erections is three to five over the entire course of nightly sleep (CDC/NIH).

Did you know that for a man to get a full erection he needs roughly 130ml, or twenty-five teaspoons, of blood? Or that men average eleven to thirteen erections in each day? OR that it takes four working body systems to achieve and maintain a usable erection?

Erectile Dysfunction.

Another topic on penises that is touchy and hard to deal with, to say the least, is erectile dysfunction. ED (short for ‘erectile dysfunction’) is one of the more common issues that human males face with their reproductive systems. This can also be referred to as impotence and is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. There are three types of erectile dysfunction: primary, secondary, and situational. Primary erectile dysfunction occurs when a male has never been able to obtain an erection during sexual activity; in other words, his struggle with ED has been a lifelong experience, or a permanent change after cancer or surgical intervention. Secondary erectile dysfunction is more common and occurs when a male has had the ability to obtain an erection and engage in sexual activity in the past but no longer can, or for an extended, temporary time frame. Situational erectile dysfunction occurs when a male experiences this problem only during certain moments of sexual activity. While this can be an embarrassing issue to have, it can be treated, and intimacy with your partner is still entirely possible with or WITHOUT an erection.


Another penis-related circumstance that can happen to a male is called priapism. This is an erection that will not go away and lasts longer than four hours. While this can be seen as a silly situation, it can become quite serious, and require doctor intervention. If this happens to you, be sure to check in with your medical professional as soon as possible. Many television commercials advise heading to the emergency room if your erection has lasted longer than the four-hour window.

Penile Pain.

Penile pain can affect any area of the penis or surrounding area, including the foreskin, if present. It can occur from an accident, disease, infection, or other medical condition. This pain can affect any penis owner at any time in their life, from birth to death.

Peyronie’s Disease.

Peyronie’s disease occurs when inflammation causes a thin sheet of scar tissue, called plaque, to form along the upper or lower ridges of the inside shaft of the penis. Because the scar tissue forms next to the tissue that becomes hard during an erection, one may notice that the penis bends when it’s erect. The disease can happen if bleeding inside the penis starts after you bend or hit it, if you have a connective tissue disorder, or if inflammation of the lymphatic system or blood vessels is present. This disease can be genetic or cause unknown.


Balanitis is an infection of the foreskin and the head of the penis, or glans penis. It typically affects men and boys who do not wash under the foreskin regularly or who have not been circumcised. It can occur with circumcised males, too.  

Other causes of balanitis can include:

  • a yeast infection
  • a sexually transmitted infection (STI)
  • an allergy to soap, perfumes, or other products (CDC/NIH).

Let’s get to the Point.

There are many aspects of life that can hinder a male’s ability to have and maintain an erection. Stress, cancer and treatment, medications, medical issues, surgeries, and physical handicaps are just some of the most common reasons. There are a multitude of options for treatment when issues arise, including medications like phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors like the little blue pill, meditational therapies, penis pumps, and in extreme cases, surgically implanted devices to help strengthen the shaft, thusly erection. Any amount of achievable erection is a good thing, as many new products are coming out to assist with “semi-erect” penises achieve orgasm while flaccid.

How can you avoid losing your ability to achieve or maintain an erection? Here are some tips from the CDC and NIH:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Alcohol can inhibit ability, drink with caution around intimate times.
  • Discuss medications and side effects with your doctor (CDC/NIH).

Whatever your penis looks like, acts like, or behaves like, there are many ways to achieve intimacy, work through sexual dysfunction issues, and find pleasure with or without release. As long as you are open to trying new things and methods for discovering your new likes and dislikes, your potential and options are quite endless.


Empowering Intimacy

National Institutes of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Men’s Health